Welcome to Manningtree Chess Club.

Manningtree B hold division two leaders Stowmarket to a 2-2 draw and put a dent in their 100% record... more

Congratulations to Simon, who wins this week's rapid play tournament, and for the second time in a row. And this time without dropping so much as half a point... more

Wednesday February 12
Club Night

Thursday February 13
Manningtree U1800 away to Bury St Eds

Wednesday February 19
Manningtree A home to Bury A
Manningtree C home to Bury E

Last Updated: 7th February 2025

Manningtree Chess Club meets at the
Methodist Hall, South Street, Manningtree, CO11 1BQ
Wednesday evenings from September to April at 7.30pm (depending on the fixture list).
The Club currently fields three teams in the Suffolk League,
but we do not limit our activities to match play only.

If you are interested in playing chess,
please come along and enjoy a game or two with a friendly club.
Chess players of any age and any standard are always welcome.

Further details of the club can be obtained from;
Club Secretary: Jim Buis - jim.buis@btinternet.com

Our Playing Room.

Spacious and comfortable. Although being an old church hall, the floorboards do creak a little.

Our Squad.

Andrew P Lewis Simon Webber Jim Buis Carl Phillips
Panagiotis KanellopoulosGraeme Jones John McAllister Martin Ellingham
Philip J Hutchings Bob Stephens David Welsh John Huke
Rowland Kerr Roderick SainesAdrian Sanderson

Our Record of Achievements:

Division One Champions: 2013-2014 2016-2017 2017-2018 2021-2022 2022-2023
Division Two Champions: 2006-2007 2009-2010 2011-2012
Division Three Champions: 2014-2015 2016-2017 2018-2019 2021-2022
Division One Rapidplay Champions: 2023-2024
Division Three Rapidplay Champions: 2021-2022
League Cup Champions: 2015-2016 2016-2017 2018-2019
League Plate Champions: 2016-2017
U145 Cup Champions: 2016-2017

January 29th 2025

This week we tried a time control of ten minutes with a five second increment, which proved perfect for keeping each round to no more than half an hour and allowed us to finish the tournament comfortably within the allotted time.
  Simon W proved his previous first place was no fluke by improving on his score with a clean sweep. And we should not forget David, who once gain defied his lower rating and came in second. It was good to welcome another new face in the form of Simon D, who was rather thrown in at the deep end and very sportingly took place in his first tournament and showed the potential to become a very useful player.

1Simon Webberx111115005
2David Welshx0½111311
3=Rod Saines01x1013023
John McAllister00x1113023
5Phil Hutchings0½10x1212
6John Huke000x112032
7Simon Derrick0000x11041

December 18th 2024

We started tonight's competition with a leisurely six minutes and a ten second increment. However as it was nearly eight o'clock before the second round started, this was cut back to five minutes, with the penultimate round cut back even further to five minutes and five seconds. The final round of course was back to a leisurely period of an hour or so at the Red Lion where we were all able to celebrate our wins and commiserate our blunders. Once again, congratulations to Simon for finishing as the clear winner dropping only half a point, which by the way, was in the very first round.

1Simon Webberx11½11410
2John McAllisterx101114014
3=Rowland Kerr00x1113023
Jim Buis010x113023
5Bob Stephens½00x11212
6Graeme Jones000x112032
7John Huke0000x11041

November 6th 2024

With a more leisurely time control of 20 minutes with ten second increments we had a lot more time to think in this three round rapid play mini-tournament. Going into the last round Graeme had the opportunity to finish top if he could just hold Rowland to a draw, but Rowland made sure he didn't repeat his slip up in the previous round and thus they shared the honours.

John M001x1

October 16th 2024

This should nave been a five round tournament, but it was very soon clear that a time control of 10 minutes with a 15 second increment was far too generous to allow each round to be completed within half an hour. That time control was chosen because it allowed minimal adjustment to the DG2010 clocks from their normal league settings, but future tournaments will go back to the previously used 12 minutes plus ten seconds. And while this doesn't make much difference to a thirty move game, the faster increment means they don't go on much after that (at least they haven't done so in the past).
  As is usually the case, there was a fair share of upsets, but congratulations must go to Jim, who beat off all the opposition without dropping so much as half a point.

1Jim Buisx11114004
2John McAllister0x1113013
3Adrian Sanderson00x112022
4=Graeme Jones00x101031
John Huke000x11031
Martin Ellingham0010x1031

September 18th 2024

The Suffolk chess season seems to be starting earlier each year so we already had four league matches under our belt before we had the chance to fit in our opening blitz with a beer or two at the Red Lion.
  It was very good to see our old A-Team captain join us again this year, although he wasn't able to repeat his previous performance of joint top, because he did repeat his previous performance by slipping up against Bob. It was Rowland who took the honours, leading from the start and showing a clear aptitude for such rapid play games.
  Special mention must be made for David, who despite being the second lowest rated player, came in a clear second. And we mustn't forget John H, playing his first competitive games in Manningtree and didn't come away empty handed.

1Rowland Kerrx½1111410
2David Welshx011114014
3Leon Burnett½x1011311
4=Phil Hutchings010x½1212
Bob Stephens001½x1212
6John McAllister000x112032
7John Huke0000x11041
8Rod Saines00000x0050

May 29th 2024

Although a reduced field from this time last year, it was still a closely fought contest, with the winner in doubt even as the last round started. And the same could be said for the bottom half of the table as Adrian managed to climb off the bottom rung and join the other three as joint fifth. There were truly some extraordinary games, and as always, a fair dose of luck determined the outcome of many.

1=Jim Buisx011114014
Bob Stephens1x01114014
3John McAllister0x½111311
4Philip J Hutchings01½x01212
5=Kenzie Orr00x01½113
Adrian Sanderson001x½0113
Simon Webber0010½x113
David Welsh000½1x113

December 20th 2023

Tonight's activities was somewhat reduced by events outside of our control, not the least of which was the return of the perennial head cold. It was nonetheless an enjoyable tournament full of the usual mayhem you would expect in a blitz tournament played with five minutes plus a three second increment, Bronstein style. Graeme kept a cool head winning his first four games, while Rowland had lost his first game, no doubt just getting used to the time controls. Meeting in the final round Rowland was able to arrest Graeme's roll and share the top spot with him. We were joined by Mark's brother Alan, who played as enthusiastically as his brother, but declined taking up membership of the club on the grounds that he couldn't afford it. Apparently he lives five thousand miles away. We all thought that was just an excuse.

1=Rowland Kerrx110114014
Graeme Jones0x11114014
3=Bob Stephens00x1113023
Kenzie Orr10x1013023
5=John McAllister000x112032
Martin Ellingham000x112032
Mark Nowers0100x12032
8Alan Nowers00000x0050

May 3rd 2023

We had a pretty good turnout for our final club night of the 22/23 season, and after a minor glitch with the 12-player spreadsheet, we got the show on the road. The clocks were set for seven minutes with a five second increment, so we managed to finish all five rounds and still have time for a couple of beers down the Red Lion. It was good to see Leon back for a few over the board games, and he showed he hasn´t lost his touch by finishing joint top. And joint top with none other than David, who not only shared the top spot, but did so without losing a game, and was in fact the only player to complete all five rounds unbeaten. It was also good to welcome a few new faces as well, we look forward to seeing a lot more of them next season.

1=Leon Burnettx011114
David Welshx½½1114
3=Bob Stephens1x0½11
Simon Webber0½1x11
5 Rod Saines0½x11½3
6 John McAllister0x11½0
7=Graeme Jones000x112
Adrian Sanderson½00x½12
Martin Ellingham000x112
Mark Nowers0½½0x12
11Phil Hutchings00½10x
12Kenzie Orr00000x0

February 15th 2023

This is becoming something of a habit. Perhaps we should make these 12m+10s tournaments a regular fixture in the club calendar. And maybe add a Grand-Prix into the mix, the winner being the one with the highest sum of their best five results. Something to think about.

There were some interesting games tonight, and some lucky wins (or unlucky losses depending on which side ot the board you sat), but with half an hour per game you have more time than you might think. And that gave rise to a great deal of tension and some very lively and complicated positions. The end result - honours shared between Rod and John.

1=Roderick Sainesx10113013
John McAllister0x1113013
3Graeme Jones10x012022
4David Welsh001x½112
5Adrian Sanderson000½x013½

February 1st 2023

With six appearing this evening we decided to hold off some Club Championship games and hold an impromptu rapid play tournament instead. Played with 12 minutes each with a ten second increment, it was long enough to give you some time for thinking, but short enough to keep each round within half an hour.
  It was between Graeme and Phil, with Simon hot on their heels, but in the last round Phil managed to seal the top spot. And while our newest member failed to score, he bravely entered the fray and showed he was no pushover to his more experienced opponents.

1Phil Hutchingsx1½111410
2Graeme Jones0x11114014
3Simon Webber½0x111311
4John McAllister000x112032
5David Welsh0000x11041
6Dominic Watts00000x0050

September 14th 2022

We opened our first club night of the 2022-23 season with a five round quick play tournament, played with ten minutes plus ten second increment. Congratulations to Rod and Graeme, who were convincing winners, sweeping away all before them, except each other. They were closely followed by Simon, and between the three of them, they scored almost twice as many points as the rest of the trailing field put together.

1=Roderick Saines (e1850)x½1111410
Graeme Jones (1734)½x1111410
3 Simon Webber (1663)0x11114014
4=Philip J Hutchings (1900)000x112032
John McAllister (1718)000x112032
Adrian Sanderson (1494)000x112032
7 David Welsh (1535)0000x11041
8 Jamie Jamieson (1400)00000x0050

September 7th 2022

A selection of Manningtree Chess Club began their 2022-23 campaign with a few beers at the Red Lion in South Street, Manningtree, in the presence of their trophy haul from last season. And while the summer drought had just ended, the rain stayed away for this evening, we were thus able to enjoy those beers in the garden.

COVID 19 GUIDANCE (From 8th Sept. 2021)

Until the current national guidance changes the guidance below refers to club evenings and internal club matches only. League matches must adhere to the S.C.C.A. guidance.

1. Members who feel unwell, have at least one of the Covid 19 symptoms, are awaiting the results of a test for Covid 19, or have been advised to self-isolate by a competent person, must NOT attend the club under any circumstances.

2. Members who have at least one of the Covid 19 symptoms or have tested positive following a club evening must inform all other members of the club immediately.

3. Members are expected to act responsibly in matters of personal hygiene with hand sanitising gel, disposable gloves and anti-bacterial wipes made available for members to use throughout their playing session.

4. Members are expected to respect social distancing when setting up boards and spectating games.

5. Members are free to decide whether to wear a face mask or not whilst playing. However, should a member insist that his or her opponent wears a mask this must be agreed before the commencement of a game.

Finally, once other groups start using the building all members are expected to follow the Covid 19 rules for the premises when moving around the building.

September 4, 2019

You might think that three minutes, plus a 2 second increment per move, is a ridiculously fast time control for a game of chess. The counter to that is that you get more time with this time control than you do with a five minute blitz game that goes beyond sixty moves. To which you will probably say, "that's all very well but my five minute blitz games never go beyond sixty moves! Come to think of it, nor do my standard rate games either".

But in spite of a little scepticism in some quarters, Manningtree Chess Club opened its doors to a new season with a Blitz Tournament using the aforementioned time controls in accordance with the latest FIDE rules. And as if chess wasn't hard enough, adjusting the clock to add any penalty time for illegal moves meant that most of us didn't bother and just played on (after correcting the illegal move of course - well, correcting those that were actually seen).

1 Andrew P Lewis (218)x111111-1--18
2 Jim Buis (155)0x11111-½-1-
3 Bob Stephens (144)00x10--111-15
4=Philip J Hutchings (162)000x110-1--14
Rowland Kerr (130)0010x011--1-4
John McAllister (125)00-01x-101-14
Simon Webber (117)001-0-x1-1104
8=Alan Story (74)--0-000x11½1
Carl Phillips (120)0½00-1-0x11-
10John Price (107)--0--0000x112
11Adrian Sanderson (110)-0--0-0½00x1
12David Welsh (112)0-00-010-00x1

Tonight's field included almost every member of the club, and is the largest internal tournament we have run. Andrew was never in any danger in any of his games and swept all before him to finish comfortably ahead of the pack. Meanwhile Jim had already secured second place as he entered the final round against Carl, and while his position was clearly lost, and his time was about to expire, a draw was agreed because a problem with setting the clock meant that while Jim's clock had run down, Carl's had refused to budge.

In the final round Bob managed to finish outright third by beating Alan, as Phil slipped up against Simon. And talking of Alan, once again he confounded the odds (see news item immediately below this one) by finishing joint eighth, comfortably ahead of the bottom three.

And in case you're wondering, there is no error in the above table, John P and Adrian decided to skip the last round, which meant they also missed the ninth round, which was played down at the Red Lion.

April 24, 2019

1Philip J Hutchings (153)x½½111115206
2=Rowland Kerr (112)½x110½013224
Simon Webber (100)½0x011½13224
Alan Story (78)001x01114034
5John McAllister (138)0101x01½313
6=David Welsh (117)0½001x½½133
Adrian Sanderson (111)01½00½x½133
8John Price (106)0000½½½x034

Our final Club Night for the 2019/20 season took place this evening with eight members appearing, and all taking part in a seven round, eight minutes each, lightning tournament. Congratulations to Phil, who won the tournament unbeaten. Special mention should be made of Alan's performance, who in spite of being the lowest graded player, finished joint second. And if truth be told, he should have finished a clear second on five points but for an unfortunate slip up that saw him lose his clearly won game (a rook up) against John M.

December 19, 2018

It was a tightly packed field, with everyone suffering their fair share of missed opportunities, blunders and panic - all that you would expect when the time allocation can be as wide as 16:4. The actual handicap was as follows;

Grade differenceTime allowed
< 10 1010
20-29 128
30-39 137
40-49 146
50-59 155
> 60164

The field would have been larger had illness not taken its toll, but for the third time running it was the highest graded player that topped the table in spite of being at a time disadvantage with all but one of his opponents. As in previous tournaments, this one was not without its anomalies. Take Adrian for example, he wasn't beaten by any of the players that finished above him, but by all of those that finished below him. Only six rounds were played this time, that was to allow sufficient time for a couple of festive drinks in the Red Lion afterwards before heading home.

1Leon P Burnett (165)x0111½1-
2=Rowland Kerr (110)1x010½-1
Simon Webber (100)01x-0½11
4=Philip J Hutchings (158)00-x10113
John McAllister (137)0110x-103
6Adrian Sanderson (109)½½½1-x00
7=Bob Stephens (135)0-0001x12
Alan Story (80)-000110x2

November 7, 2018

In spite of having only one quarter the time of most of his opponents, Andy managed to show a clean pair of heels to the whole field. But it clearly wasn't Jim's night tonight, for in spite of being the only person to take anything from Adam six months ago (see below) the time differentials took their toll.
It is not only the time difference that is designed to level the playing field a little, the draw for anything over eight players is designed to do the same. The highest graded player plays the seven players graded immediately below him, and the lowest graded player plays the seven players immediately above him. Those in the middle are pro-rata around them, see the matrix below for an example. Also, the highest graded player will have three whites and four blacks, it being the other way round for the lowest graded player. That clearly helped Alan.

The final table was;

1Andrew P Lewis (213)x11111-1-17
2=Philip J Hutchings (158)0x0111--115
Bob Stephens (135)01x-1-01115
Mark Webley (123)00-x-111115
5=John McAllister (137)000-x01-113
David Welsh (116)00-01x101-3
Alan Story (80)--1000x0113
8Adrian Sanderson (109)0-00-11x0½
9Simon Webber (100)-0000001x-1
10Jim Buis (153)00000-0½-x½

May 8, 2018

Manningtree's final home meeting of the 2017/18 season concluded with a Time Handicap Tournament - 20 minutes games in which a two minute advantage was given to the weaker player for every ten grading point difference. Only seven players took part after some had to withdraw at the last minute. The final table was;

1Adam C Taylor (209)x11½111
2Leon P Burnett (166)0x101114
3Adrian Sanderson (114)00x11114
4Jim Buis (155)½10x010
5Mark Webley (117)0001x½1
6John McAllister (133)0000½x1
7John Price (117)000100x1

The previous week a similar event was staged, but with only four players they all played each other twice. This event was won by Mark Webley.

1Mark Webley (117)x20
2Rowland Kerr (115)0x213
3John McAllister (133)20x13
4Adrian Sanderson (114)½11x

July 12, 2017

Manningtree Chess Club held its 2017 "AGM" on Wednesday 12th July at the Red Lion in South Street Manningtree. It was the ideal venue to celebrate the club's most successful season ever, and an opportunity to show off our six trophies. After the "meeting" the members retired to the Pump Room for another beer, and to plot next season's campaign.

April 12, 2017

Manningtree A, after their 4-0 victory over Ipswich B that put them an unreachable six points clear of their nearest rivals, and current Champions, Ipswich C. For the second time in four seasons Manningtree top the Suffolk League, and with a points haul that has not often been beaten. Prior to the 2012/13 season Manningtree had only spent two seasons in Division One of the Suffolk League, and finished bottom on both occasions. But since then, Manningtree have grown to running three teams, and haven't been out of the top three positions in Division One since 2013. And speaking of Manningtree's other teams, playing alongside our A-Team tonight, were our B-Team, who secured the top spot in Division Three, giving Manningtree a team in all three Suffolk Divisions next season for the first time in their 40 year history.

November 30, 2016

The Norfolk/Suffolk Cup is a six board knockout competition that pits the best of Suffolk against the best of Norfolk. Separate knockouts are arranged in each county, and the winners of each face each other in the final. In earlier years virtually all clubs in the League took part, but of recent times the Suffolk half has been contested between only Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich. But this season, for the first time in many years, Manningtree have entered the fray. The last time we have evidence of a Manningtree presence in this competition was in the 1981/82 season when we were beaten 4-2 in the first round by Felixstowe. Below we see Manningtree on the left, prepare to take on the current holders Bury St Edmunds.

October 19, 2016

Manningtree Chess Club has been bucking the trend of many clubs of late, and has grown from one of the smallest clubs in the region to a Championship winning club, now running three teams for the first time in its forty odd year history. And tonight we reached another milestone by hosting two matches on the same evening. Our A-Team took on Ipswich D, while the C-Team played host to a team from Saxmundham. The increased number of boards meant that most players had to forego the luxury of a table to themselves, and share one with their adjacent player.

September 9, 2016

Andrew Lewis beat the 'Rest' of the Manningtree Club 8½-½ in a simultaneous match to kick off the new season. The match was held at the club venue on Wednesday 7th September and was by no means a wholly one-sided affair. Several games required Andrew to dig deep to turn, what us mere mortals would consider drawn positions, into wins. Congratulations Andy, and congratulations to Phil Hutchings, the only player from the 'Rest' not to be beaten. The full score was;

Andrew Lewis (216) ½-½ Phil Hutchings (159)
1 - 0 Jim Buis (142)
1 - 0 John McAllister (134)
2 - 0 Josh Kirwan (e124)
1 - 0 John Price (122)
1 - 0 Adrian Sanderson (111)
2 - 0 Alan Story (71)
8½ - ½